Friday, December 19, 2008

This is a Call To Action.

Many people have asked “what can I do?”… I have really left it up to individuals to come up with their best way of participation, as I am not really good at asking people for things, and I am not sure what support is needed. As things have progressed, and through suggestions from others, I have come up with several different ways that our community (both locally and nationally) can help Connor and Tavvi in their struggle to stay with their family.

The following is a list of directions and a plea for help.

Case # is HN18847

Judge name: E. Preston Grissom
Presiding Judge Chesapeake Circuit Court

Contact Pat Cannon.

The children's GAL, Pat Cannon, can be reached at 757-409-8189 cell, e-mail

She is a legal advocate for the kids in the state of Virginia, and she opposed this decision to move the children. She helped pave the way in Virginia as we were working here, in Oregon, to oppose the removal of the children Tuesday, December 16th.

Due to the legal nature of this situation, Pat cannot give out much information, but she can listen. If anyone wants to offer their support to the children and have it represented in court, please email Pat Cannon.

What we need now is jurisdiction transferred back to Oregon. We need any and all folks who know these kids, have seen their progress to write letters on their behalf (some of us have already done that and are on record with OR DHS, but need to do it again).

We need to be loud, assertive, respectful, and peaceful. Please mail letters to Pat Cannon the children's GAL, who is fighting this fight by herself in VA. She needs as much support as we can muster in OR.

Anyone who doesn't know the kids, but are moved by this story please write an opinion piece and send it to Pat Cannon. She needs all of this for court. Anyone who have any ideas for legal support, community awareness now is the time even more than before for action. We want to keep these kids home.

You can e-mail letters to Pat Cannon.

Help Get Legal Representation

I will be calling and emailing today. Timing is so horrible; I understand that it is going to be hard to get anyone’s attention right now, before Christmas. We only have a few days to move some pretty big mountains. I would appreciate help in calling and emailing legal aid and assistance people and groups. If these groups are contacted respectfully by a community, instead of just an individual, we may get a crack at some attention even during the holidays.

  • CASA (child advocacy) contact Leslie Roemmer at 503-988-5115
  • Oregon State Bar Problem Solvers (this is for kids to access from age 11-18)
  • Lewis and Clark Legal Clinic, contact Richard Slottee at 503-768-6500
  • St. Andrew Legal Clinic, Joel Overlund at 503-281-1500
  • Helping Hands at 541-386-4808
  • Bradley-Angle House, conact Karla McFarland at 503-282-9940
  • ACLU, Jann Carson at 503-227-3186.

These are attorneys that work with family law/ child custody cases.

  • Randy Phil Oetken 503-659-4440
  • John C. Moore 503-675-4300
  • Steven Edward 503-636-3595
  • Jon Thomas Pixton 503-968-2020
  • James Elery Carroll 503-245-5003
  • Bruce Grant Thompson 503-226-6491
  • Robert Harris 503-228-6099

Contact State Representatives

Help us lift our voice up the chain!



Contact Virginia DHS

Now, this one is a bit sketchy. I have put some thought into this, however, and I think that if the DHS system in Virginia is consistently reminded that there is a community loving, protecting, valuing, and advocating for these children, that it looks a lot different than two kids that can just be bullied and then snagged.

I IMPLORE you… I beg. Please, if you choose to contact Virginia DHS, use non-violent communication, respect, and be polite. What I am asking for is this:

Call and/or email.

Keep it simple.

“Hi, my name is __________. I am part of Tavvi and Connor’s community and I need to voice that I support them and value their family connection. I oppose efforts at removing them from their home. Thank you.”

If you email, please “cc” Pat Cannon onto the email (

Ethel Hassell

Email Chain

Everyone on your contact lists are fair game!

Subject Line:

Child Welfare Emergency


(You can add your own content, if you rather)

Two children, Connor and Tavvi, are being threatened with forceful removal from their family – right before Christmas.

Please, help us pass along this information by forwarding this email to everyone you know.

Thank you for the consideration.

Websites and Blog and Bulletin Repost

You can copy the email above, and keep it simple, or write your own opinion piece on this situation. When you post it, please ask others to do the same. If you are comfortable with it, I will post a link to your blog on to show a chain of support. If you do NOT want a link to your site or blog posted on ours, please do not let that stop you – the link is optional.


Oregon Media

I will work on a press release that can be posted far and wide. I will also update with more media contacts (numbers, specific names, more sites) as I do some research. If you have any ideas of media outlets (radio shows, etc), please let me know. I would be grateful if a LOT of people contacted the media… help us get the exposure that we need right now.

Evaluations and Conversations

Do you have a degree or certification in a field that can lend its legitimacy to our situation? Talk with us! We are trying to compile documentation, and connecting with help is very important to us right now.


Does anyone have experience with building websites or have webspace for hosting a site? I have some know how, but my resources are limited right now, and time is a factor. I will be trying to get an actual website put together in the next day. I would be grateful for any assistance.

Do you have a video camera or a digital camera that we could borrow this week? Our digital camera has some serious technical limitations, and we have no video capacity. We really want to create some video media on our own.

Do you have a skill or talent that can help? I am totally open minded… If you have a website, please drop a small blurb with a link to our blogs.


  1. Hi,
    I am an italian girl, living in Europe, and have come across your story. There's not much I can do, I fear, but I do have webspace and know my way around websites a bit, so if there is anything I can do to help, let me know. I could get that done as soon as possible - building a webpage, or even just hosting photos or files. All my love and support, x

    (contact me via girl[at]alicetragedy[dot]org

  2. Hello,

    I have read all about your family and the struggles you are going through right now and it breaks my heart. I would love to do anything I can to help. I read through the list of what can be done, but I am not sure which I can do, since I'm a minor (16) and I'm not sure what will be valid and what will not, due to the legal nature of this situation. Please let me know if there's anything I can do, though, that age isn't an issue for.

    Wishing you love, peace, and justice,

  3. Hi I just saw your story on Kimya Dawson's website. This is just heartbreaking, and I am so sorry that you are going through this. I do have a xanga blogsite, so I could link your blog about your family there. I could also link it in myspace. I will pray that God comes through for you and you will be able to keep your family. God Bless and I wish you the best. If you'd like me to do anything else, please email me:

    I'll keep your family in your prayers!

  4. i live in virginia and have had experience working with a non-profit that provided foster care when i lived in wisconsin, particularly in keeping kids together. how can i help? i have community-oriented politics and may possibly qualify for foster care placement. those kids need to be with you, but i'm sure there's beauracracy crashing down now. can i be of any temporary help? contact me at

  5. Did you write to Oprah Winfrey? Seems like something her show could easily pick up. You can do it at her website.

  6. Unfortunately it seems as though Virginia does not have a Child and Family Ombudsman program, although they seem to be working on it. Have you contacted the Oregon State Children's Ombudsman? Here is the contact info:

    The Governor's Advocacy Office, DHS Ombudsmen and Children's Ombudsman can be reached by calling (503) 945-6904, or toll free at 1-800-442-5238. There are eight incoming phone lines, if staff are unable to speak with the caller a message can be left on the voice-mail system.

    Also, here is a link to Virginia DSS legislation regarding inter-state placement of children. I honestly don't understand all of it, but did notice Article VIII says that there are limitations when the caretakers are relatives. I don't know if that's at all helpful...

    I'm sure you've already done so much, but my experience has been that when working with the state, starting at the county level and working up to state level administrators is helpful. It's great that the GAL is working FOR the kids, but definitely make contact with the GAL's supervisor as well. Go all the way up the chain of command.
    Have you contacted FACES abut how they can advocate for the kids?

    Or Oregon Foster Parent Association

    Here's what the Federal Administration for Children and Families says:

    Whenever there are problems with the local child welfare agency, the best policy is to try to resolve the issues through an open discussion with the caseworker and the agency supervisor.

    If you have made every effort to resolve your concerns with the local agency staff and you feel that your concerns have not been adequately addressed, you may want to ask if the agency has an appeal procedure or an ombudsman. Many agencies have ombudsmen to help clients resolve differences with the agency. (The names of these offices vary and may include “Ombudsperson,” “Ombudsman,” “Ombuds Specialist,” or the Child Welfare Complaints Office.) If the agency does not have appeal procedures or an ombudsman, you may decide to contact the State Foster Care Manager. The State Foster Care Manager is the administrator who has oversight responsibility for all foster care services provided to children in the custody of the State and is the key point of contact for concerns regarding foster care programs that cannot be resolved by other existing procedures. If you would like to take your concerns to this level, you can find contact information for all of the States’ Foster Care Managers/Specialists in the related organizations listing on Child Welfare Information Gateway’s website at It is best to contact the agency foster care manager only after other problem resolution procedures have been tried.

    While the Children’s Bureau is the Federal agency that allocates funds to State agencies to provide for child welfare services, including foster care, the administration of these services is under the jurisdiction of the State and local agencies and courts.

    I hope something within this helps. I am a foster parent and also a child therapist. I have studied child welfare since I was a kid myself. Feel free to contact me- And remember that it's never too late. Even if the kids get taken, it shouldn't take away the hope that they can return.
    Good Luck!

  7. I have linked from my Website

    Good Luck and Im hoping everyone is still together. Just a few more days until Christmas.
    Everything will be OK.

    I also agree that you should contact Oprah Winfrey and Ellen Degeneres
